Monday, April 16, 2007

The Angry Reporter part 2

Well, I was warned that blogging on journalism is a recipe for trouble and boy did I ever learn the hard way.

It began innocently last week when media groups were burning over a news story by CTV's Robert Fife. People in the military and their families were understandably angry over Fife's news report that two more soldiers had died.

It was not a scoop, just a statement of facts. Fife didn't mention any names, as is standard procedure when the next of kin has yet to be notified. But people still took offense that Fife reported the news before he had clearance from the Army.

Of course, this is Canada, not North Korea. The press doesn't pay lip-service to the army or the government that easily. I made the mistake of voicing my opinion on some blogs. Unbeknown to me, I was drawn into the the Neo-Con sub-culture. Before long, I was accused of being part of some anti-zionist conspiracy! Whew! I'm back discussing more mundane subjects. Back shortly.


The Angry Reporter/Reporter en Colère said...

Well, I just discovered two things: HTML and JAVA may look simple on paper, and even simpler on a share-ware. Fact is...Don't try this without your teenage son around! Which he'd come back from school soon!!!!

Canadianna said...

Your combining of events is misleading.

Your comments about Fife at The Torch were not connected to the dialogue over at NeoCon's place where you asked if he was an Israeli.

It wasn't a mistake to voice your opinion. The mistake is that you started getting snotty from the get-go saying things like 'shame on you' to people who held opinions that differed from yours.

If you believe in the free exchange of ideas, you have to be willing to accept that although you might always be right here on this blog, elsewhere, people aren't going to just lie down because you've pronounced 'the truth'.

Blazingcatfur said...

The left does not understand the concept of dissenting opinions, ideology conquers all.

The Angry Reporter/Reporter en Colère said...

Blazing Cat,

I DO understand the fact you have a dissenting opinion. I just don't agree with the arguments you use. Big difference.